different regions in 1985 and in 2005 Population in
Last updated: 9/11/2023

different regions in 1985 and in 2005 Population in Population 1985 in 2005 4 9 10 6 4 109 1 1 x 10 1 3 x 109 7 6 x 108 1 1 109 2 4 108 3 0 108 8 9 x 106 7 2 x 106 Place Entire world China India United States Bulgaria a Determine the ratio of the population of the entire world to that of China in 2005 giving your answer to the nearest integer b Find the increase in the world s population between 1985 and 2005 c Calculate the percentage change in the population of each of the four countries giving your answers accurate to 3 sf List the countries according to their percentage change from highest to lowest d State whether or not you agree that it