Different species of bumblebee compete for flower nectar in
Last updated: 8/2/2022

Different species of bumblebee compete for flower nectar in their ecosystem. While the flowers vary in the length of their petals, bumblebees vary in the length of a mouth part called a proboscis. Bumblebees demonstrate a preference for flowers that correspond to the length of their proboscis. Species with proboscises of similar length tend to occupy different areas. Species that live in the same area tend to have proboscises of different lengths. Which of the following best explains the relationship between the different bumblebee species living in the same area? a. The bumblebees have undergone allopatric speciation due to geographic isolation. b. The bumblebees have undergone niche partitioning due to competition. c. The bumblebees have a mutualistic relationship with other bumblebee species due to natural selection. d. The bumblebees have a commensalistic relationship due to the variety of niches that are available.