Directions Based on the provided essay prompts select the
Last updated: 1/21/2023

Directions Based on the provided essay prompts select the topic of interest you will be researching Once you have a broad topic consider three narrow topics within the original one Ex Violence in Video Games 1 Video game ratings 2 Research studies linking video games to violence 3 Benefits of age appropriate games for youth Begin to research the narrower topics and describe them in the chart below The final part of the assignment is to state a claim and write a research question that will guide your research for the research paper Standards RI 10 1 W 10 7 W 10 8 L 10 4 Essay Prompt Number Topic of Interest Potential Area of Investigation 1 Potential Area of Investigation 2 narrow topic narrow topic Describe what you would like to know more about the topic Explain why you are interested in this Part 1 Express the narrowed topic as a research question Describe what you would like to know more about the topic Explain why you are interested in this Express the narrowed topic as a research question Potential Area of Investigation 3 narrow topic Describe what you would like to know more about the topic Explain why you are interested in this Express the narrowed topic as a research question Now do some preliminary research on each area above How does it impact your claim You can change it or modify it later as you continue to complete your research Part 2