Directions For each of the following situations highlight
Last updated: 5/12/2023

Directions For each of the following situations highlight RENT BUY OR DEPENDS to indicate your opinion related to this person s housing decision Also give reasons for your response in the explanation section 1 Marla age 22 plans to work full time while completing her college degree in a nearby city RENT BUY DEPENDS Explanation 2 Bill age 44 travels out of town frequently for his sales job His company may transfer him to another sales territory within a year or two RENT BUY DEPENDS Explanation 3 Craig age 32 recently completed his master s degree in business while working at the same company for the past six years He has also been able to save nearly 20 000 over this time period RENT BUY DEPENDS Explanation 4 Jess age 19 has just taken her first job as a sales representative trainee for a computer software company RENT DEPENDS BUY Explanation 5 Barb and Frank ages 54 and 57 are planning to retire within the next few years RENT BUY DEPENDS