Distress the negative stress response often involving
Last updated: 4/3/2023

Distress the negative stress response often involving negative affect and physiological reactivity a type of stress that results from being overwhelmed by demands losses or perceived threats Distress triggers physiological changes that can pose serious health risks especially if combined with maladaptive ways of coping Eustress the positive stress response involving optimal levels of stimulation a type of stress that results from challenging but attainable and enjoyable or worthwhile tasks e g participating in an athletic event giving a speech It has a beneficial effect by generating a sense of fulfillment or achievement and facilitating growth development mastery and high levels of performance Generate a list of examples of when you have experienced distress losing a job getting divorced or losing a loved one causes huge losses dealing with a long term injury or sickness going through a challenging separation or divorce Financially struggling or having a lot of debt encountering prejudice or abuse at work or school dealing with legal concerns such as being arrested or being sued A stressful occurrence such as a natural disaster an accident or an assault Managing long term stressors such as providing care for an ill family member or persistent work stress Select one example from the list above