e Chara Charophytes belong to a separate taxon Charophyta of
Last updated: 2/12/2023

e Chara Charophytes belong to a separate taxon Charophyta of green algae and are currently believed to share an ancestral lineage with land plants As close relatives the two groups contain shared derived traits which include the presence of a phragmoplast which delineates the location of the cell plate during mitotic division as well as whorls of branchlets For this reason some species of charophytes e g Chara are often considered plants 41 In addition multicellular charophytes may retain the embryo a characteristic associated plants with land embryophytes Obtain a slide or live sample of Chara View and label where appropriate f Pond water is an ideal environment for many protists Using a concave slide place drops of water in the concave region and cover with a cover slip Draw and describe the organisms you are able to identify