Flextime scheduling is often offered to help recruit and
Last updated: 4/24/2023

Flextime scheduling is often offered to help recruit and keep women employees who have children at home Other workers sometimes view these flextime schedules as unfair An article indicates that male employees state that they have to pick up the slack for moms working flextime schedules A random sample is selected of 100 male employees working for companies offering flextime Complete through c Click here to view page 1 of the cumulative standardized normal distribution table Click here to view page 2 of the cumulative standardized normal distribution table a What is the probability that 33 or fewer male employees will indicate that they have to pick up the slack for moms working flextime P p 0 33 0 7437 Round to four decimal places as needed b What is the probability that 26 or fewer will indicate that they have to pick up the slack for moms working flextime P p 0 26 Round to four decimal places as needed Area under the cumulative standardized normal distribution from infinity to Z Z 6 0 5 5 5 0 4 5 0 00 0 000000001 0 000000019 0 000000287 0 000003398 4 0 0 000031671 3 9 0 00005 3 8 0 00007 3 7 0 00011 3 6 0 00016 3 5 0 00023 3 4 0 00034 3 3 0 00048 3 2 0 00069 3 1 0 00097 3 0 0 00135 2 9 0 0019 2 8 0 0026 2 7 0 0035 Cumulative Probabilities 0 01 0 02 0 03 0 04 0 05 0 06 0 07 0 08 0 09 0 000050 000040 000040 000040 000040 000040 000030 000030 00003 0 000070 000070 000060 000060 000060 000060 000050 000050 00005 0 000100 000 100 000 100 000090 000090 000080 000080 000080 00008 0 000150 000150 000140 000140 000130 000130 000120 000120 00011 0 000220 000220 000210 000200 000190 000190 000180 000170 00017 0 000320 000310 000300 000290 000280 000270 000260 000250 00024 0 000470 000450 000430 000420 000400 000390 000380 000360 00035 0 000660 000640 000620 000600 000580 000560 000540 000520 00050 0 000940 000900 000870 000840 000820 000790 000760 000740 00071 0 001310 001260 001220 001180 001140 00111 0 001070 001030 00100 0 0018 0 0018 0 0017 0 0016 0 0016 0 0015 0 0015 0 0014 0 0014 0 0025 0 0024 0 0023 0 0023 0 0022 0 0021 0 0021 0 0020 0 0019 0 0034 0 0033 0 0032 0 0031 0 0030 0 0029 0 0028 0 0027 0 0026