For the following situations draw a free body diagram in
Last updated: 5/1/2023

For the following situations draw a free body diagram in which you represent the various forces that are acting upon the object s using vector arrows Label each arrow to indicate the type of force Determine the magnitude of all forces and fill in the blanks 1 2 3 4 A 1 0 kg book is at rest on a tabletop Diagram the forces acting on the book FBD Fy Norman fovlar Force of air Vessistance els 5 8 and 9 Srevity Fx fore of ax A 5 0 kg flying squirrel is flying from a tree to the ground at constant velocity Consider air resistance Diagram the forces acting on the squirrel FBD Fx ax ay Force Fx of gravity ax Fy An egg with a weight of 0 10 N is free falling from a nest in a tree Neglect air resistance Diagram the forces acting on the egg as it is falling gravity FBD 101 Pr ay Fy ay A 2 0 kg bucket is tied to a rope and accelerated upward out of a well at a rate of 1 5 m s s Neg air resistance Diagram the forces acting on the bucket FBD cosed Y E