g and pentane g respectively The value of Excell pentane
Last updated: 7/3/2023

g and pentane g respectively The value of Excell pentane oxygen fuel cell is 1 1 968 V 2 2 0968 V 3 1 0968 V 4 0 0968 V approximately log 4 0 60 log 5 0 69 1 50 min 2 45 min 3 60 min 4 40 min 2 21 3 mg 3 24 3 mg 4 13 6 mg Contact Number 9667591930 8527521718 for the 127 In producing chlorine through electrolysis 100 W power at 125 V is being consumed How much chlorine per min is liberated ECE of chlorine is 0 367x10 6 kg C 1 17 6 mg 128 A solution containing 10g per dm of urea molecular mass 60g mol is isotonic with a 5 solution of a non volatile solute The molecular mass of this non volatile solute is 1 25g mol 2 300g mol 3 350g mol 4 200g mol 129 For the reaction 2A B 3C D Which of the following does not express the reaction rate 1 d C 3 dt 126 If 60 of a first order reaction was completed in 60 min 1 00 g of non electrolyte solute molar mass 250 mol was dissolved in 51 2 g of benzene If the freezing point 50 of the same reaction would be completed in depression constant K of benzene is 5 12 mol the freezing point of benzene will be lowered by 1 0 4 K 2 0 3 K 3 0 5 K 4 0 2 K 2 3 4 130 d D de d B dt d A 2dt 131 During osmosis flow of water through a semi permeable membrane is 1 from solution having higher concentration only 2 from both sides of semi permeable membrane with equal flow rates 3 from both sides of semi permeable membrane with unequal flow rates 4 from solution having lower concentration only 132 A compound is formed by cation C and anion A The anions form hexagonal close packed hcp lattice and the cations occupy 75 of octahedral voids The formula of the compound is 1 CA3 133 2 C A3 3 C3A 4 C3A4 Following limiting molar conductivities are given as H SO4 K SO4 y Scm mol 1 x Scm mol 1