G ge mil DANK Food Web Activity GR 43 Directions 1 You may
Last updated: 12/13/2022

G ge mil DANK Food Web Activity GR 43 Directions 1 You may work as a single or a team of 2 2 Obtain a sheet of poster paper the organism card sheets scissors and glue Be sure to put your name on the poster paper 3 Cut out all of the cards 4 You will create a food web consisting of 25 or more cards It is strongly recommended that you lay the cards down and draw in the arrows prior to gluing them down 5 Cards will be connected by arrows showing the direction of energy and matter between members of the food web Cards may have several arrows coming and going to each card 6 You must also have examples of abiotic factors producers carnivores herbivores scavengers omnivores decomposers and detritovores Each card in your food web should be labeled with their consumer category 7 Each card should also be labeled for what trophic level producers primary consumer