Graph the following Data for the elements in Period 3 This
Last updated: 5/9/2023

Graph the following Data for the elements in Period 3 This will help us understand how atomic radius ionization energy and electronegativity as you go across a group and see what the trends are You will need to make three separate graphs One for atomic radius one for lonization Energy and one for Electronegativity Make the x axis the atomic numbers of the elements and the y axis the data from the chart Make sure you give each chart a title and label the axis Symbol Na Mg AI Si P S CI Ar Atomic Radius Picometers 166 141 121 111 107 105 102 106 First lonization kilojoules mole 496 738 578 787 1012 1000 1251 1521 Electronegativity 4 point scale 09 1 2 1 5 1 8 2 1 2 5 3 0