Green Township to the main road Expressway East so that
Last updated: 6/22/2023

Green Township to the main road Expressway East so that drivers can travel between Green Township and Metro City in the shortest possible time The direct north south distance from Green Township to Expressway East is 35 miles and the total east west distance between Metro City and the point directly south of Green Township on Expressway East is 70 miles See diagram which is for illustrative purposes only and not to scale 35 70 Al The speed limit on the new road will be 35 mph and the speed limit on Expressway East is 60 mph a How far to the west of Metro City should the new road from Green Township connect to Expressway East to enable drivers to make the trip in the least amount of time If necessary round result to 1 decimal place miles b What is the total time that the trip from Township to Metro City will take If necessary round result to 1 decimal place