Han invests 13 000 into a fund that combines stocks and
Last updated: 11/27/2023

Han invests 13 000 into a fund that combines stocks and bonds The return varies from year to year The balance at 5 year intervals is given in the table below The goal of this exercise is to find constants a and b such that the model y ae best fits the data In order to do that we apply the natural logarithm to both sides of the model This yields In y n a and using properties of logarithms weet T lex be and the problem now reduone to finding the Pcjwey In y In a In ee In y In a bt If we let Y In y c In a and c b the problem now reduces to finding the linear fit Y q c the set of dats points Part b t 0 5 10 15 20 25 y Balance 1 000 13 14 5 16 18 2 19 9 22 3 5 10 FLO 18 31 115 11451 lec16 In 1821 In 199 Find the cheskydecompcation of S and store in U Soke thener system w me sing the backataah command Solve the langur system cw using the backslash command Compute the best fit use 25 2231 art a The sectors and y have already been created for you Compute the sector by evaluating the natu ofy note that the natural logam entered a lng in MATLAB Create the mote X for the rear Create the tor 2 Create the magic I Plot the date pents and upper case Use o to plot points by the original data polts Use Lindth 2 und is that you por Use Inestyle and color the line back gure by tyckig hold off Computand where and are the values you found in part 4 Se the wi coobies a widespectively Ente figure to open a new gu plot the original data points and lower cass no toplot points