Hello My name is Sean and I am a senior in the BS Biochem
Last updated: 1/9/2024

Hello My name is Sean and I am a senior in the BS Biochem program If anyone plans to be on campus for labs this coming Spring I look forward to meeting you then I live out of state so I will be knocking out OChem and Biochem labs consecutively and I am very anxious about it since I took OChem roughly two years ago I currently work in an environmental testing lab as a way to gain entry level experience and I am hoping to find a research opportunity with Mayo in Scottsdale upon graduation My interest in the history of medicine is both professional and personal I think it is of dire importance to understand the historical implications of any endeavor and as I intend to conduct therapeutic research a foundational knowledge of where we ve been where we are going and what we plan to achieve is necessary On a more personal note I truly believe the current state of the pharmaceutical industry has set back overall healthcare as well as patient trust by decades and I would like to better understand how we ve arrived at this present landscape from a medical point of view if at all possible On a more light note I have pretty much lost all time for hobbies these days with full time school and work I can t wait to graduate and go snowboarding next season but I do enjoy different sorts of engineering games PolyBridge Cities Skylines etc golfing hiking working out and reading fiction when I can find the time Find a well made interesting documentary with a Morgan Freeman esque narrator and I m done for the day too