Homage to My Hips by Lucille Clifton My Papa s Waltz by
Last updated: 9/5/2023

Homage to My Hips by Lucille Clifton My Papa s Waltz by Theodore Roethke Those Winter Sundays by Robert Hayden My Last Duchess by Robert Browning Read Lucille Clifton Homage to My Hips and then listen as Author Lucille Clifton reads Homage to My Hips Click Play Answer the questions that follow 1 What is unusual about the subject matter of this poem Considering that some people are embarrassed to mention their hips what attitudes does the speaker express here W adjectives might describe the speaker 2 How do the words enslaved want to go want to do mighty and spell define the poem s ideas about the relationship between mentality and physicality 3 To what degree is this a comic poem What about the subject and the diction make this poem humorous Read Theodore Roethke My Papa s Waltz and click to listen as a Grandfather talks about My Papa s Waltz Now listen as Author Theodore Roethke reads My Papa s Waltz