hyroid The thyroid thyr shield oid resembling gland is the
Last updated: 6/29/2023

hyroid The thyroid thyr shield oid resembling gland is the soft butterfly shaped organ in the anterior side of the neck that wraps around the larynx just beneath the skin Figure 1 6 It consists of two lobes right and left connected by a narrow bridge called the isthmus Internally it is composed of microscopic follicles that contain large insoluble protein molecules known as colloid The walls of the follicles are simple cuboidal epithelium consisting of secretory cells called follicle cells The follicle cells secrete thyroglobulin a large component of the colloid which is a precursor to two thyroid hormones triidothyronine T3 and thyroxine T Located between follicles are parafollicular cells or C cells which secrete calcitonin Complete the table below by listing the function of each organ Thyroxine T und Triiodothyronine T Calcitonin CT