hysical Chemistry If equal volumes of 1 M KMnO4 and 1 M
Last updated: 7/4/2023

hysical Chemistry If equal volumes of 1 M KMnO4 and 1 M solutions are allowed to oxidise Fe II to Fe III medium then Fe II oxidised will be a More by KMnO4 c Equal in both cases b More by K Cr C d Can t be determi Sulphuryl chloride SO Cl reacts with water mixture of H SO4 and HCl Moles of NaOH re neutralise the solution formed by adding 1 mol o excess water is are 1 b 2 c 3 OH d 4 00 mL of 0 01 M KMnO oxidised 100 mL cidic medium Volume of the same KMnO4 re 4 Cel 100