I have asked this question previously However no satisfac
Last updated: 6/11/2023

I have asked this question previously However no satisfac tory response was provided My straightforward question is that why in question no 29 we are using dT dt 1 R and in question 40 we are saying dT dt is independent of radius i e option number 4 Reque st you to explain it properly this time as I can t ask the sa me question again again 29 Two metal spheres of same material have diameter in the ratio of 1 2 The ratio of their rates of cooling is 1 4 1 2 2 1 3 1 2 4 1 4 40 A very thin metallic shell of radius r is heated to temperature T and then allowed to cool The rate of cooling of shell is proportional to 1 rT 3 2 2 4 r Asked by 2525299 aesl id Standard XI Stream NEET Jul 27 2021 at 7 12 PM Add your responses Type Text Type your answer here OR you can upload an lattachment from the option below