Identify the type of circuit motif featured in each of the
Last updated: 8/3/2022

Identify the type of circuit motif featured in each of the following examples. In the insect olfactory system, excitatory projection neuron axons project to two different brain structures, the mushroom body and the lateral horn. A class of cerebral cortical neurons inhibits other classes of inhibitory neurons in the brain, indirectly increasing the activity of final targets. In the vertebrate retina, afferent neurons excite inhibitory interneurons that project onto the targets of their neighbors. In the vertebrate knee-jerk reflex, two parallel excitatory pathways inhibit each other via inhibitory neuron intermediates. Sensory neurons relay somatosensory stimuli to the primary somatosensory cortex via nuclei in the brainstem and thalamus. A. Recurrent (cross) inhibition B. Divergent excitation C. Lateral inhibition D. Feedforward excitation E. Disinhibition