In 2003 the first complete human genome was sequenced Based
Last updated: 8/31/2023

In 2003 the first complete human genome was sequenced Based on data from the National Human Genome Research Institute 4 the cost of sequencing a human genome in January 2004 was roughly 29 million For the next few years the cost of sequencing a human genome fell by roughly 15 every 6 months a Using this information write a function E t for the cost to sequence a human genome in millions of dollars t years after January 2004 b Using just the information in the problem and not your answer to a what is E 0 What is E 0 5 Check that the function you wrote in a agrees with this If this exponential trend had continued indefinitely 5 in what year would you expect the price of sequencing a human genome to fall below 1 000 6 Please give an exact answer and then use a calculator to give a decimal approximation for this value