In experiment P7 of the phys chem practicals, the
Last updated: 7/25/2022

In experiment P7 of the phys chem practicals, the second-order reaction between iodomethane and a hydroxide ion is studied. The following measurements are performed to determine the rate constant, k: 8.3905 g of KOH and 9.7231 g of iodomethane are measured with an analytical balance, a time of up to 3600 s is measured with a stopwatch, a 100 ml volumetric flask with an accuracy of 0.2 ml and a 50 ml volumetric flask with an accuracy of 0.12 ml are used to prepare the reactants mixture, and a burette with divisions of 0.1 ml and aliquots of up to 1 ml is used to determine the hydroxide ion concentration. Calculate the minimum error due to stopwatch. a. 0.0014 b. 0.00014 c. 0.00027 d. 0.0027