In one of my physics videos ium app they told me about the
Last updated: 6/11/2023

In one of my physics videos ium app they told me about the horse cart pr oblem in which as the name suggests a hors e pulls a cart and as usual it moves but acco rding to Newton s third law every action has a n equal and opposite reaction which complet ely disproves the horse cart problem but the n they told me that the third law is applicable in a system of two different bodies Now havi ng heard this the horse cart problem makes s ense as the horse is applying force on the gro und and so is the on the horse but my questi on is if we change the system in which i have a bo dy on a table and since the body is kept on t he table the system is at rest as the body is applying a force on the table and so is the ta ble But if I somehow increase the mass of t he body the table won t be able to apply the huge normal force and eventually will break Now why does the table break if every action