In this study Head turns is the number of times a penguin
Last updated: 12/14/2022

In this study Head turns is the number of times a penguin turns its head back and forth when approached by a human and is used as an index of a penguin s response to human presence Tourist refers to penguins that nest in an area that is highly visited by tourists Undisturbed refers to penguins that nest in an area that is not visited by tourists Plasma corticosterone is a measure of the amount of circulating corticosterone in response to capture and restraint which is used to induce a stress response ACTH refers to penguins that were injected with adrenocorticotropic hormone to measure the functional capacity of the HPA axis Saline refers to penguins that were injected with a saline solution as a control Head turns 200 150 100 50 a Tourist 91 a 10 day 1 day 5 day Undisturbed of Behavioral response Figure 1 Magellanic penguins to human presence Head turns in response to 15 minutes of human presence in both tourist areas n 10 11 and undisturbed areas n Undisturbed areas were visited a total of three times on day 1 day 5 and day 10 Data are shown as mean values and error bars represent 1 standard error Bars with the same letter above them indicate statistical similarity between groups p 0 05 Walker et al 2006 1 Compare the effect of human presence on the two types of penguins shown in Figure 1 penguins nesting in tourist areas and penguins nesting in undisturbed areas a 1 point Which type of penguin tourist undisturbed or neither has a higher behavioral response to humans b 1 point Which of the following best summarizes the general effect of human presence on the behavioral response of Magellanic penguins Circle one A Undisturbed penguins have a higher behavioral response than tourist penguins no matter the amount of time that has passed B Undisturbed penguins have a higher behavioral response than tourist penguins initially but this response gets smaller over time and is not significantly different after 10 days C Undisturbed penguins have a higher behavioral response than tourist penguins initially but this response gets smaller over time and is not significantly different after 5 days D There is no significant difference in behavioral response between undisturbed and tourist penguins