kb 12 3 2 0 85 0 65 1111111110 3 kb 12 kb 2 kb 1 2 3 4 EtBr
Last updated: 8/10/2023

kb 12 3 2 0 85 0 65 1111111110 3 kb 12 kb 2 kb 1 2 3 4 EtBr stained after run DNA standard 0 85 kb linear plasmid B insert cut from vec supercoiled plasm DNA standard linear plasmid 5 6 7 8 EtBr in gel Use the data in the gel on the previous page FROM THE GEL ON THE LEFT to determine the standard curve and size of insert cut of vector shown by arrow and supercoiled plasmid Standard insert cut from vec cm Distance from origin supercoiled plasmi top direction of migration bottom 0 65 kb Insert Cut from vector Supercoile d Plasmid DNA size Plot the standard DNA on the below graph to give a standard curve Use the graph to determine the size of the plasmid DNA show how you determined the size of the plasmid DNA on the graph And report the size of the plasmid in the last row of the above table 10000 1000 BASE PAIRS 100 10 10 15 20 25 30 DNA STANDARD CURVE plate LB LB AMP LB AMP ARA Explanation 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 40 95 100 Distance Migrated 8 A In performing the transformation experiment with rpARA plasmid give two reasons why the following results might have happened 4 Experiment 1 Plasmid Growth 100 white colonies 100 white colonies Plasmid Growth No growth No growth