Large North American vultures known as California condors
Last updated: 6/9/2023

Large North American vultures known as California condors nearly went extinct during the 1980s due to habitat destruction The number of wild California condors is slowly in creasing due to captive breeding and the reintroduction of populations into the wild However because of the population bottleneck all of the condor populations that now ex ist in the wild are descended from a population of just 14 individual California condors Based on the information above which of the following two claims is best supported for the population bottleneck Select all that apply A B C Due to the bottleneck the wild California condor populations have become more re silient containing individuals whose traits were selected for by natural selection Present wild California condor populations have small amounts of genetic diversity and are therefore at risk of extinction in the wild Due to the bottleneck the wild California condor populations are less likely to contain individuals that can adapt to a certain environmental change habi