Let x be the average number of employees in a group health
Last updated: 1/19/2024

Let x be the average number of employees in a group health insurance plan and let y be the average administrative cost as a percentage of claims O x y a Make a scatter diagram of the data and visualize the line you think best fits the data 40 40 y average cost as percentage y average cost as percentage r 37 7 15 34 74 40 37 34 28 17 35 30 25 20 USE SALT 35 30 25 20 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 x average number of employees 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 x average number of employees O y average cost as percentage DO y average cost as percentage 35 30 25 20 40 35 30 25 20 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 x average number of employees 10 b Would you say the correlation is low moderate or strong positive or negative Olow and negative O moderate and positive O strong and negative Olow and positive O moderate and negative Ostrong and positive 20 30 40 50 60 70 x average number of employees Q c Use a calculator to verify that Ex 133 Ex 6 915 Ey 156 Ey2 5 198 and Exy 3 099 Computer Round your answer to four decimal places As x increases does the value of r imply that y should tend to increase or decrease Explain Given our value of r y should tend to remain constant as x increases Given our value of r we cannot draw any conclusions for the behavior of y as x increases CiVeR chould tond