m 2009Bbl An experiment is performed using the apparatus
Last updated: 5/1/2023

m 2009Bbl An experiment is performed using the apparatus above A small disk of mass m on a frictionless table is attached to one end of a string The string passes through a hole in the table and an attached narrow vertical plastic tube An object of mass my is hung at the other end of the string A student holding the tube makes the disk rotate in a circle of constant radius r while another student measures the period P mr Derive the equation P 2 that relates P and m m 8 The procedure is repeated and the period P is determined for four different values of my where m 0 012 kg and r 0 80 m The data which are presented below can be used to compute an experimental value for g a E 11 E E ALM 21 LL H A J ILI b What quantities should be graphed to yield a straight line with a slope that could be used to determine g On the grid below plot the quantities determined in part b label the axes and draw the best fit line to the data You may use the blank rows above to record any values you may need to calculate C a m kg P s LI MITT ME 0 020 L T 1 40 0 040 W 1 05 0 060 0 80 m IL 0 080 14 0 75