Main plant Marigold Tagetes Other plants also included in
Last updated: 10/4/2023

Main plant Marigold Tagetes Other plants also included in lab Vinca Catharanthus roseus Begonia Level of soil per pot Pot 1 5 cm e Pot 2 7 5 cm Pot 3 12 cm Pot 4 15 cm IV Level amount of soil in the different pots DV Amount of leaves on each branch of the plant within each pot Research Question How does the mass of soil affect the amount of leaves on each branch of a marigold plant Constant variables Watered evenly same amount of sunlight same location time span Directions Using the information above please write a few paragraphs answering the questions below in the format of an IB Biology IA Lab report Background The background sets the research question into context need and importance are clear Appropriate and relevant background biology of the entity being investigated is correctly described and explained Background research includes scientific name of organism if relevant Genus species Background research on the manipulated variable supports and explains manipulation of the variable Background research on the responding variable indicates it is a good variable to measure response to manipulation Research into research methods is well described and selected methods are justified