Mandand Deduction for Soyle o 12 200 Mared fing Woowcas NEAX
Last updated: 4/2/2023

Mandand Deduction for Soyle o 12 200 Mared fing Woowcas NEAX www you shackal 2a Tax exempt interest 3a Qualified dividends e da Wages salaries tips etc Attach Formoj W2 Ta b da b Taxable interest Altach Sch Bit required b Ordinary dividends Atach Sch 0 required b Tauble amount d Taxible amount b Taxible amount 2a 3a IRA distributions 43 Pensions and accuties 40 Social security benefits 5a Capital gain or onaj Artech Schedule D if required if not required check here Other income from Schedule 1 Ire 9 Add Ines 1 20 30 40 41 56 6 and 7a This is your total income Adjustmects to income from Schedule 1 line 22 9 Subtract Ine Sa from line 7b This is your adjusted gross income Standard deduction or bemized deductions from Schedule A Qualsed business income deduction Amach Form 8996 or Form 8996 A Add Ines 9 and 10 10 11a b Taxable income Subtract ine 11a from Ine b zero or less enter 0 For Disclosure Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice see separate instructions 9 10 24 400 1 2b 36 938 6 Ta 238 84 11a 11b 96 521 1 689 1 644 4 927 104 781 104 781 24 400 80 381 form 1040 po