Match each muscle of the head, neck, or trunk to the
Last updated: 8/3/2022

Match each muscle of the head, neck, or trunk to the appropriate description based on its origin (O), insertion (I), and action (A). Match each key term to the appropriate description. Make certain each sentence is complete before submitting your answer. Diaphragm O: Inferior 8 ribs. I: Iliac crest, pubic tubercle, and linea alba. A: Flexes and laterally flexes the trunk; compresses the abdominal cavity. External intercostal O: Xiphoid process, lower ribs and costal cartilages; lumbar vertebrae. I: Central tendon of diaphragm. A: Flattens to lower the floor of the thoracio cavity. Quadratus lumborum O: liac crest and connective tissue of the lumbar region. I:Rib 12 and the transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae. A: Extends the vertebral column; maint ains posture; laterally flexes the vertebral column. Rectus abdominis O: Superior aspect of the pubic bone. I: Costal cartilages of inferior ribs. A: Flexes the trunk; compresses the abdominal cavity. External oblique O: Lower edge of rib superior to its insertion. I: Upper edge of rib interior to its origin. A: Elevates the rib cage.