MEG Objective NCERT P 26 A wire of irregular shape turning
Last updated: 6/10/2023

MEG Objective NCERT P 26 A wire of irregular shape turning into a circular shape in a magnetic field which is directed into the paper The direction of induced current is a alongabcda b along adcha c into the plane of the paper d out of the plane of the paper 27 A solenoid is connected to a battery so that a st current flows through it If an iron core is inserted into the solenoid the current will a increase b decrease c remains same d first increase then decrease c 28 Which of the following statements is not correct a Whenever the amount of magnetic flux linked with a circuit changes an emf is induced in the circuit b The induced emf lasts so long as the change in magnetic flux continues The direction of induced emf is given by Lena s law d Lenz s law is a consequence of the law of conservation of momentum 29 There is a uniform magnetic field directed perpendicular and into the plane of the paper An irregular shaped conducting loop is slowly changing into a circular loop in the plane of the paper Then a current is induced in the loop in the anti clockwise direction Lo 32 The north pole of a bar magnet is rapidly introduced into a solenoid at one end say A Which of the following statements correctly depicts the phenomenon taking place a No induced emf is developed b The end A of the solenoid behaves like a south pole c The end A of the solenoid behaves like north pole d The end A of the solenoid acquires positive potential b current is induced in the loop in the clockwise direction c ac is induced in the loop d no current is induced in the loop 0 In the given figure current from A to B in the straight wire is decreasing The direction of induced current in the loop is a clockwise c changing b anticlockwise d nothing can be said Sectromagnetic Induction 1 The variation of induced emf e with time 1 in a coil if a short bar magnet is moved along its axis with a constant velocity is best represented as b c d 33 An infinitely long cylinder is kept parallel to a uniform magnetic field B directed along positive z axis The direction of induced current on the surface of cylinder as seen from the z axis will be a clockwise of the positive z axis b anticlockwise of the positive z axis c zero d along the magnetic field 34 A conducting loop is placed in a uniform magnetic field with its plane perpendicular to the field An emf is induced in the loop if a it is rotated about its axis b it is rotated about a diameter c it is not moved d it is given translational motion in the field 35 When a wire loop is rotated in a magnetic field the direction of induced emf changes in every 1 a one revolution b revolution c revolution d 2 revolution MOTIONAL ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE 36 A metallic square loop e ABCD is moving in its e own plane with velocity vin a uniform magnetice a field perpendicular toe its plane as shown in figure An electric field is induced ee O 3