men a person in California renews the registration for an
Last updated: 11/7/2023

men a person in California renews the registration for an automobile the bar graph shown below is included with the bill BAC Zones 90 to 109 lbs TOTAL DRINKS 110 to 129 lbs TOTAL DRINKS 130 to 149 lbs TOTAL DRINKS TIME FROM 1st DRINK 2345678123456781234567812345678 1 hr 2 hrs 3 hrs 4 hrs 190 to 209 lbs TOTAL DRINKS BAC Zones 170 to 189 lbs 210 to 229 lbs TOTAL DRINKS TIME FROM 1st TOTAL DRINKS DRINK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8123456781234567812345678 1 hr 2 hrs 3 hrs 4 hrs SHADINGS IN THE CHARTS ABOVE MEAN 01 04 Seldom illegal 150 to 169 lbs TOTAL DRINKS 05 09 May be illegall 05 09 Illegal if under 18 yrs old 230 lbs up TOTAL DRINKS 10 Up Definitely illegal Use this bar graph to answer the question The following statement is included with the graph There is no safe way to drive after drinking These charts show that a few drinks can make you an unsafe driver They show that drinking affects your BLOOD ALCOHOL CONCER BAC The BAC zones for various numbers of drinks and time periods are printed in white gray and red HOW TO USE THESE CHARTS First find the chart that includes your w example if you weigh 160 lbs use the 150 to 169 chart Then look under Total Drinks at the 2 on this 150 to 169 chart Now look below the 2 drinks in the row for 1 your BAC is in the gray shaded zone This means that if you drive after 2 drinks in 1 hour you could be arrested In the gray zone your chances of having an accident are 5 time you had no drinks But if you had 4 drinks in 1 hour your BAC would be in the red shaded area and your chances of having an accident 25 times higher Suppose that you weigh 115 pounds and that you have four drinks in 3 hours If you then drive how much more likely are you to have an accident than if you had refrained from drinkin times