Moving Charges and Magnetism 129 A charged particle enters a
Last updated: 6/5/2023

Moving Charges and Magnetism 129 A charged particle enters a magnetic field at right angles to the magnetic field The field exists for a length equal to 1 5 times the radius of circular path of the particle The particle will be deviated from its path by 1 90 3 30 2 sin 4 180 G 3 MAGNETIC FIELD DUE TO A CURRENT ELEMENT BIOT SAVART LAW So far we have seen how a magnetic field applies force on a moving charge Here we shall study the relation between current and magnetic field it produces It is given by the Biot Savart law Figure shows a finite conductor XY carrying a current I Consider an infinitesimal element dl of the conductor The magnetic field dB due to this element is to be determined at a point P which is at a distance from it Let e be the angle between dl and the displacement vector r The direction of dl is same as the direction of current X