Mrs Helms came in through the front door of her house with
Last updated: 1/30/2024

Mrs Helms came in through the front door of her house with an armful of groceries She put the bag down on the kitchen counter and called to her husband Herb I m home Are you ready for lunch She didn t get an answer so she walked to the living room and found Mr Helms lying on the floor Herb Are you okay she asked as she grabbed his shoulder Mr Helms responded weakly while clutching his chest Mrs Helms frantically called 911 It only took EMS a few minutes to arrive and the paramedics transported Mr Helms to the hospital Upon admission to the hospital Mr Helms vital signs were recorded as follows Systolic blood pressure mm Hg Diastolic blood pressure mm Hg Oral temperature F Heart rate beats per minute Respiratory rate breaths per minute Oxygen saturation Questions Mr Helms 90 52 98 9 120 irregular 33 labored 89 Which of Mr Helms vital signs and lab values were abnormal Normal 120 80 97 8 to 99 1 60 80 12 to 20 95 100