Myrtle Wilson I suupose Daisy ll call too 154 Chapter 9
Last updated: 3/27/2023

Myrtle Wilson I suupose Daisy ll call too 154 Chapter 9 Jimmy was bound to get ahead He always had some resolves like this or something 173 About five o clock our procession of three cars reached the cemetery and stopped in a thick drizzle beside the gate first a motor hearse horribly black and wet then Mr Gatz and the minister and I in the limousine and a little later four or five servants and the postman from West Egg in Gatsby s station wagon all wet to the skin 174 That poor son of a bitch 175 Gatsby believed in the green light the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us 180 Chapter 2 Middle thirties and faintly stout but she carried her surplus flesh sensuously her face contained no facet or gleam of beauty but there was an immediately perceptible vitality about her as if the nerves of her body were continually DEPARTMENT of EDUCATION Louisiana Believes smouldering Get some chairs why don t you so somebody can sit down I want to see you All right She let four taxi cabs drive away before she selected a new one lavender colored with grey upholstery The living room was crowded to the doors with a set of tapestried furniture entirely too large scenes of ladies swinging in the gardens of Versailles Mrs Wilson had changed her costume and was now attired in an elaborate afternoon dress The intense vitality had converted into impressive hauteur Raised her eyebrows in despair at the shiftlessness of the lower orders in this book portrays him as the embodiment of hope reaching out toward the green light This hopeful last image of Gatsby seems to be symbolizing the beauty that lies in a dream Though it may be foolish believing in that green light is what allows people to beat on Chapter 2 The words used to describe Myrtle suggest that she is sexy sensuously smouldering and full of life vitality She is not traditionally pretty though She is dominant when she is with Tom revealing that she seems to be in control of that relationship In contrast Tom tells Myrtle what to do and she listens In several instances the taxi the apartment Myrtle shows how concerned she is about appearances The word hauteur also implies that she is putting on a facade of wealth Chapter 7 The words used to describe Myrtle in this chapter reveal her as the dispensable character that she was throughout the book Her look is described as purposeless Even in death she is extinguished as though she is a fire to be put out Her injuries are described in gory details yet still portray her in the sexualized way that her character is known for in this book Her breast is described as a flap and her mouth was ripped open These attributes that sexualized her in the earlier chapters now create a morbid image of Myrtle in death Chapter 2 The author seems to have a condescending attitude toward Myrtle He seems to highlight how ridiculous her apartment and her clothes are to reflect how clueless she is However the author also gives her Grade 11 American Dre a vitality that Daisy lacks proving that his attitude toward Myrtle is more positive than his attitude toward Daisy Chapter 7 The author s attitude toward Myrtle is that she is vibrant but dispensable Her death is a grotesque event made even more grotesque by the way her breasts and mouth are described However her death at the hands o the careless upper class creates he as a victim and somewhat sympathetic especially in comparison with the members of the upper class Grade 11 American Dre