Nas un trom recumbent limbs and branches Ariel Anna and
Last updated: 5/15/2023

Nas un trom recumbent limbs and branches Ariel Anna and Amelia are apparently absent Assonance He has a notion for lotion don t you know Stanza He is a dog He acts like he is part of a pack He is always trying to sniff out a new girl to date understateme Hyperbole I have a ton of homework I pledge allegiance to the flag Impossible is not a word in my personal dictionary It is raining cats and dogs outside Metaphor Jumbo shrimp are on sale today Love is a rose Dersonification Nice wheels How long have you had your new car No duh Sherlock Betty bought some bitter butter She is abrasive and aloof The bee buzzed around my head Imagery The bowl of bananas laughed at me Imagry The suits made up their minds who they would hire as the CEO Enjambment