No Sight of Shore In 1997 Dr Robert Ballard and a team of
Last updated: 1/27/2023

No Sight of Shore In 1997 Dr Robert Ballard and a team of scientists discovered a large collection of ancient ships including a Roman ship over two thousand years old lying where they least expected at the bottom of the ocean floor in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea Until this discovery archaeologists believed that ancient sailors never ventured into open water and that all sailing was done with the coastline in view Most of the cargo of the ship was still intact and revealed an amazing look at the variety of trade items the ancient sailors transported by sea This story was inspired by the discovery September wasn t a good month for sailing to Carthage but Marcus had begged to be allowed to travel with his Uncle Julian it would have been ungrateful of him to back out when the invitation finally came Of course Marcus had made his plea to sail with the crew during the lazy summer months when sailing across open ocean was little more than a novel way to travel to an exotic land What is Paragraph 4 mainly about O Marcus s efforts to tighten the ropes O Uncle Julian s wish for profits O the contents of the amphorae O the approach of the storm