Nome Lacinto Aorta Gojororo Artery Dark Red Atherosclerosis
Last updated: 12/21/2022

Nome Lacinto Aorta Gojororo Artery Dark Red Atherosclerosis Hypertension Circulatory System Magic Square Red Blood Cells Nutrients Pulmonary Right Atrium Hemophilia CO O Valve Vein Capillary Angioplasty Period Lungs Directions Place the correct number in the circles above 1 The largest artery in the body cane shaped 2 Expansion of an artery when the heart contracts 3 Where the pacemaker is located 00000 Platelets Bright Red Heart Pulse Left Side ooooo 7 Very thick walled elastic tubes that carry blood away from the heart 8 Organ that takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide 9 A genetic disease where a person cannot clot their blood properly 10 Fight infection enguif bacteria 11 Red pigment that contains iron 12 Where gases nutrients and wastes move in and out of the blood Sickle Cell Left Ventricle White Blood Magic Number Add up each row and column They should always add up to the same number the magic number Hemoglobin 4 The largest chamber of the heart 5 Raps of tissue that keep blood moving in one direction found in the heart and veins 6 Blood moves toward the heart in it