Note points are manually assigned after I read your answer
Last updated: 5/18/2023

Note points are manually assigned after I read your answer In order for Canvas to treat this question as extra credit the points must be manually assigned Please answer IN YOUR OWN words I am asking PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not copy your response from the internet or use ANY outside resource or individual If the answer is copied from any ancillary resource and uses terms vocabulary and concepts that are beyond the scope of this course credit will not be given If the words are not your own credit will not be given I have had previous experiences in which passages have been taken from PhD scientific articles in which words have been re arranged and claimed as the student s own I will not give any credit for these answers I want to hear what you have learned based on the material that we have covered and I want to hear YOUR voice and in YOUR OWN words It is exciting to put ideas and concepts together and express them in your own words It is absolutely the very best part of learning and and education and it is what is rewarding for me read Sometimes students wonder why I do not have more short answer questions I would just love to but I think you might guess why I don t I am asking for you to reach into your own learning and to analyze this statement and then address it in your own words Please address the following statement Mature red blood cells do not have a nucleus therefore this indicates our that as humans we are both prokaryotic and eukaryotic in our cellular make up The question will be graded for your clarity and accuracy Please keep the length at a maximum of 100 words Your response should state a is this a true or false statement and b what is the basis for your answer what supports your answer