ommon Data for Q 81 and Q 82 Let E E exp ik F wot where k 2
Last updated: 6/14/2023

ommon Data for Q 81 and Q 82 Let E E exp ik F wot where k 2 k cos ik sin o k 1 and 2 and 2 are cartesian unit vectors represent an electric field of plane electro magnetic wave of frequency Which one of the following statements is TRUE a The magnitude of the electric field is attenuated as the wave propagates b The energy of the e m wave flows along the x direction c The magnitude of the electric field of the wave is a constant d The speed of the wave is the same as c speed of light in free space The magnetic field B of the wave is a y Eo exp zk sin o exp i zk cos ot b y Eo exp zk sin exp i zk cos cot c Eo exp i zk cos cot 4