Once you have created your thesis you will want to create a
Last updated: 3/5/2023

Once you have created your thesis you will want to create a research question that you will use to educate yourself on this topic Example Research Question Does social media increase loneliness in teens Once you have created a research question you will want to practice your researching skills and find multiple credible sources to help educate you on your topic Here is the format you should follow Introduction Background information on your topic with thesis Reasons to support your thesis statement facts data Solution for the issue what can we do to help this issue problem During your research process you will want to gather your sources you are finding and using in a separate Google Doc You will take these sources and turn them into a Works Cited page that you will attach to your final submission Once you organize your information you can deliver your thesis statement and solution in any of the following ways Be creative 1 Google Slides presentation 2 Google Doc Essay Diary Journal Entries 3 Canva 4 Flipgrid Video TedTalk Short Film 5 Podcast Audio a Google Meet Recording see Ms Hoffert for Google Meet link b FlipGrid c Canvas Audio d Vocaroo e CapCut might not work for school issued Chromebooks 6 Drawing Painting 7 Written Song Poem 8 Song Audio 9 TikTok video 10 Youtube Video Short Film