ose time e will be Pg 351 one 50 ch of S CAMERA 12 A spring
Last updated: 6/11/2023

ose time e will be Pg 351 one 50 ch of S CAMERA 12 A spring having spring constant of 800 Nm 1 is mounted on a horizontal table as shown A mass of 2 kg is attached to free end of the spring The mass is pulled sideways to distance of 2 5 cm and released How much time the mass takes from one extreme to other NCERT Pg 359 6 1 0 157 s 3 0 314 s ANNA K voorr m Fixed 2 0 2 s 4 0 782 15 A spring balance has a s 0 to 100 kg The length Maps A block suspended from bollar of man displaced and released spring com period of 0 2 s What approximately placed fr stance of equency 1 2 kg 2 4 kg 3 5 kg 4 6 kg 16 The graph between length 1 5 4 2 13