Paragraph A small object mass m falls freely from rest under
Last updated: 6/26/2023

Paragraph A small object mass m falls freely from rest under gravity from a height h and strikes obliquely Fixed smooth inclined plane as shown in figure The impact is elastic 1 51 The time for which object remains in air between 1st and 2nd impact 2u cos a 2u g sin a 3 Fixed Fixed inclined plane 2u sin a g 2u g 52 The displacement of object along the inclined plane between 1st and 2nd impact will be 1 8h sin a 2 4h sin a 3 8h cosec 2 4 1 55 Loss in K E of bullet m 3M m u cos E 8M 1 3m M m u cos 3 8M 56 After impact the string 1 2M gl 2 mu 2M 7 3 mu V3 57 Using the condition 1 gl 3 3 gl gl