Passage I Beth solids and liquids typically have the
Last updated: 5/12/2023

Passage I Beth solids and liquids typically have the property of expanding when heaind Two expertiments were conducted by chemists to study the expansion of various substances In the first experiment Ove 1 meter wires were hang vertically from the ceiling An electric current was passed through each wire t to hear them from OC to 120 C The length of each wire was measured and recorded in 20 degree increments The results of this study are shown in Figure 1 expansion mm 23929 30 20 15 1 0 0 0 0 5 0 Kay aluminum brass copper nickel iron 20 40 60 RO temperature C Figure I 100 120 of various liquids four different solutions were placed in In the second experiment designed to test the expansion 1 meter tall graduated burets The liquids were heated at the was measured in 5 degree increments The results of this same rate from 20 C to 60 C and the increase in volume experiment are shown in Figure 2 volume expanansion ml 2 5 2 0 1 5 1 0 0 5 8 0 0 20 Key water salt water glycerol ethanol 30 40 temperature C Figure 2 50 5 What was the smallest amount of volume exp measured for a liquid at 60 C in Figure 27 A 0 4 ml B 0 8 ml C 1 0 mL D 2 2 mL