pol 7 3P 17 Number of voters 1st choice 2nd choice 3rd
Last updated: 2/18/2024

pol 7 3P 17 Number of voters 1st choice 2nd choice 3rd choice 4th choice 5 How many Borda points does candidate D earn in this election A 51 points B 31 points 5 11 7 20 14 8 ACDCD B B BDA CDA B B DACA C 6 Using the Borda count method find the winner of the election For full credit you must show the correct number of Borda Points the winner receives G 2 30 5 6 MULTIPLE CHOICE olve the problem 7 An election involving 5 candidates and 30 voters is held and the results of the election are to be determined using the Borda count method Assuming there isn t a five way tie the minimum number of points a winning candidate can receive is 7