Precursor A is converted to B by the enzyme alphase
Last updated: 10/3/2023

Precursor A is converted to B by the enzyme alphase Precursor B is converted to C by the enzyme betase Precursor C is converted to D by the enzyme gammase Precursor D is converted to examtwophyll by the enzyme deltase alphase betase gammase deltase A B C D examtwophyll To test this hypothesis you are growing some of the mutants you isolated previously on minimal medium supplemented by each of the precursors The results are shown below WT Mutant 1 Mutant 2 Mutant 3 Mutant 4 Minimal I minimal A I minimal B Mutant 1 has a defective deltase Mutant 2 has a defective betase Mutant 3 has a defective gammase Mutant 4 has a defective alphase Identify which enzyme is mutated in each of the mutants you tested in this experiment O Mutant 1 has a defective betase Mutant 2 has a defective gammase Mutant 3 has a defective alphase Mutant 4 has a defective deltase O Mutant 1 has a defective gammase Mutant 2 has a defective alphase Mutant 3 has a defective deltase Mutant 4 has a defective betase minimal minimal C D O Mutant 1 has a defective alphase Mutant 2 has a defective deltase Mutant 3 has a defective betase defective gammase minimal examtwophyll