PREDICTION 0 Atmosphere no 02 more CO2 Earliest 2 1 F
Last updated: 10/4/2023

PREDICTION 0 Atmosphere no 02 more CO2 Earliest 2 1 F Atmosphere more 02 less COZI ON B Haceral Cell Prokaryote Multicellutar Plant Energy Competition Chemoautotrophie Anaerobic Bacteria 3 Multicellular Animal Ocean of Molecules 12 AHME RNA 4 A 5 H C Cyanobacteria M sen 6 7 D GD H 1 Organic molecules N Prediction Provide a justification for your group s sequence of events HISTORY OF LIFE ON EARTH 8 H L E Unicellular Eukaryote 9 J Big Bang How did you know which cards to place first S the beginning BID bang What is the reason you placed the cards on the latest end Bis the latest beca 10 I 11 up you will first make a prediction about the sequence of events by placing the environment and organism cards along the timeline poster provided by the teacher Place earlier events on the left hand side of the timeline and later events on the right hand side Provide a justification for your choices in the space below 3 12 13 JE of the anivers e 14 Latest 15 F 3 Animal is Latest new to the world ar Which cards are you most uncertain about their placement everything comes First then s What questions do you now have