Q1 Step 1 enter all data with the reference names in excel
Last updated: 11/20/2023

Q1 Step 1 enter all data with the reference names in excel sheet Step 2 calculating average of the respective columns formulae used average all values in the column Step 3 calculating weighted averages multiplying averages with percentage Final total was 81 80 785 which is grade B Q2 So we will change the values in exem1 and check the total We need to find the least value in exem1 where grade dosen t change so total has to be greater than 79 5 At exem 1 score 70 we get total as 79 585 80 so the least is 70 Grade doesn t change for 6 less points then 76 Q3 So student didn t do any online reviews so avg of online reviews 0 then total will become 77 785 78 so grade will be affected so grade changes to C Q4 Redo assignments that is not exems So they are online reviews projects homeworks quizs if we consider the best possible outcome scoring full marks in these things so there averages will be 100 so changing the average to 100 we get final total 89 2 89 Grade B So he wouldn t increase his grade even if he redo Q5 As there are 20 homeworks and total percentage of homework is 10 Changin one homework dosen t affect at all There is no reason to ask for this as the grade dosen t change for one homework