Q5 The lineage that produced chimpanzees and humans split
Last updated: 6/17/2023

Q5 The lineage that produced chimpanzees and humans split from other primates roughly 30 million years ago Chimpanzees skulls have the following features Trait A found in fossils as old as 10 to 12 million years is molars with thick enamel Trait B found in fossils as old as 55 million years is a postorbital wall that ventrally separates the orbit from the temporal fossa Which of the following statements is TRUE Trait A is more beneficial for chimpanzee survival because it is newer Trait B is more beneficial for chimpanzee survival because it is older Trait A is more likely to be widespread among other primate species because it is newer Trait B is more likely to be widespread among other primate species because it is older