raded discussion 10 points possible 3 Discussion Post A due
Last updated: 2/5/2024

raded discussion 10 points possible 3 Discussion Post A due Feb 11 at 6p on Board Posts 25 total asure of your participation you will write 200 word minimum responses eadings as well as responding to at least one other post In these posts I see concrete examples where you critically reflect on the readings This ude citing specific photographs and photographers theoretical ions between different readings ideas themes and or the author s own ht Please refer to my separate guide on discussion posts for full details ten faded and the highly visible paper fibers produced a soft and grainy look that many people found undesirable As a result the process was considered unreli able and few wanted calotype portraits Nevertheless the limitations of the da guerreotype especially in terms of reproducibility started to become apparent Upon reconsideration people realized that Talbot s linkage of light and paper fur nished a conceptual and technical elegance that united printmaking and science This in turn provided a new mechanism for mass produced pictures that fed Eu ropeans growing desire for making art more accurate accessible and afford able which would lead to the daguerreotype s downfall The initially perceived faults of Talbot s negative positive system actually gave it a versatility that proved to be its strength The calotype s visual softness neutral izes singular details which subordinate the subject Its matte surface image with a limited tonal range makes contrast and mass and not sharp line the major vis ual impulse In nineteenth century academic art theory detail of the daguerreotype was considered detrimental to effect The calotype excelled in ef